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My all time favourite way to exfoliate my face: Enzymes (Nimue Exfoliating Enzymes).

photo credit: <a href="">Ananas comosus (Pineapple)</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>

Biological enzymes such as Papain (found in papaya….yum) and Bromelain (found in pineapples…yummy yum yum) stimulate exfoliation by chemically digesting the “glue” that holds the skin cells together on the outer most part of the epidermis (inter-corneocyte cohesions). These proteolytic enzymes (a group of enzymes that break the long chainlike molecules of proteins into shorter fragments (peptides) and eventually into their components, amino acids.) break proteins into smaller fragments, causing a softening effect to the skin and a sloughing of corneocytes cells (cells that compose most if not all of the stratum corneum, the outermost part of the epidermis).

Why I prefer using Enzymes instead of granular scrubs/manual scrubbing

Enzymes strengthen healthy skin with natural antioxidant vitamins as they exfoliate. Pumpkin protease, for example, contains vitamin A, while pineapple Bromelain contains vitamin C.

Enzymes are less irritating to the skin than scrubs, the granules in granular scrubs can often have jagged edges that can lead to microscopic scratches on the skin. These microscopic scratches can lead to unwanted bacteria entering the skin and cause acne flare-ups.

For the greenies out there, enzymes are a more nature conscious choice as some granular scrubs contain plastic microbeads.

Enzyme exfoliants rarely cause irritation, and they still lead to smoother, glowing skin.

My favourite product containing exfoliating enzymes:

Nimue Exfoliating Enzymes

Contains a combination of papaya and pineapple enzymes. It smells totally yummy and a bonus is that a little goes a long way

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